Women's Ministry - Precepts Genesis 3-11 2024  

Precept Upon Precept: Genesis 3-11

Join us in January as we resume this year’s study of God’s sovereignty in the lives of Old Testament saints. We will begin with a study of Abraham, an “ordinary man” who became a friend of the faithful God.

In addition, we will study the lives of Isaac, Jacob, Esau and Joseph, observing as they learn to trust God to rebuild lives that triumph over challenge and tragedy.

Precept Upon Precept is again offering two class options: Tuesday mornings 9:30-11:30AM (1/7) and Wednesday evenings (1/8) 6:30-8:30PM. Both studies are available as either the Precept Upon Precept format or as In & Out.

The suggested cost of workbooks is $14-$16, depending on the level of study.

For more information on the day class or to order a workbook, call or text Kathy Heidt at 847-894-2559 kathyheidt@sbcglobal.net.  

For more information on the evening class, contact Katy Rakebrandt at either katyrake@gmail.com or 847-715-8374. 

You may also contact Marilynn Helms at either 847-826-0846 or mrhelms@msn.com.